Courses lists the available courses. The currently selected course is highlighted in yellow. Select a course by clicking on it with the mouse.
Lessons lists the available lessons to choose from the currently selected course. The currently selected lesson is highlighted in yellow. Lessons in gray are not installed, though you may select them to view their contents. Select a course by clicking on it with the mouse.
Contents lists the available items to choose from the currently selected lesson. Clicking on an item will take you directly to that item in the selected lesson. Select an item by clicking on it with the mouse.
Update allows you add additional course material and lessons by using Add-A-Lesson. Add-A-Lesson works by first detecting any new lessons on your floppy, CD-ROM or hard drives. If it does not detect any, it allows you to connect to the Add-A-Lesson website to download additional lessons to install. If new lessons are detected, they will be listed by course, lessons, and contents.